Friday, 16 September 2016


BYOD I strongly agree that we should have BYOD because there's a lot of great things read more . BYOD I strongly agree that we should have our own devices because we can catch up on work all over the world on google drive and we could play games for a reward but at lunch you can play on it but if you have an inappropriate game you will be banned. Heres some bad things that could happen you could get hacked or be cyber bullied that could have swearing on it or inappropriate pictures on it.Here's a good reason It makes people learn more maths games like sumdog.Also having fun who can't have at school there might be heaps of pokemon and a few pokestops any back to fun lets see so playing games would be great for everybody. You can have time to have dojos.Also it help us with our learning writing anything really so if you want play what you want but I warn you don't play inappropriate games.

Wednesday, 7 September 2016

Calendar art

Last week we did art and this is my art. It is a tui, and it was really hard to make.